Capital One Bank Class Action 2024 Settlement Payment Status, Payment Date, Eligibility, Claim


The 2019 Capital One data breach was a big deal. It affected about 98 million people. Their info was exposed. Now, there’s a settlement to help those affected.


This article will tell you all about the Capital One Bank Settlement for 2024. We’ll cover how to get paid, who can get money, and when payments are coming. We’ll use simple words so everyone can understand.

In 2021, Capital One agreed to pay $190 million. This money is to help people who lost money because of the data breach.

If you applied for a Capital One credit card before 2019, this might affect you. We’ll explain everything you need to know about getting your share of this settlement.


Capital One Bank Class Action 2024 Settlement Payment Status, Payment Date, Eligibility, Claim

Capital One Bank Class Action Settlement Payment Status, Payment Date, Eligibility, Claim


We’ll also answer some common questions at the end. So, let’s dive in and learn all about this important settlement.

Capital One Bank Settlement 2024

The Capital One Bank Settlement is a big deal. It came about because of a problem in 2019. Here’s what happened:

  • In July 2019, a hacker got into Capital One’s system
  • The hacker stole the personal info of many people
  • These people had applied for Capital One credit cards
  • About 98 million individuals were affected

After this happened, people sued Capital One. This led to a class action lawsuit. In 2021, Capital One agreed to pay $190 million to settle the case. This money is to help the people who were affected by the data breach.


Why is this important?

If you applied for a Capital One credit card before 2019, your info might have been stolen. This settlement is meant to help you if you lost money because of the data breach.

Here’s a quick look at what the settlement offers:

What You Get How Much
Money for losses Up to $25,000 per person
Credit monitoring Free service
Identity theft protection Free service

Remember: This settlement is to help real people who had real problems because of the data breach. It’s not just about the money. It’s about making things right.

Class Action Payment Status

Now, let’s talk about where things stand with the payments. As of 2024, things are moving along. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Payments started on September 28, 2023
  • The settlement admin is working on processing payments
  • They’re sending money to people who filed valid claims on time

How are they paying people?

They’re using email to send digital payments. This is faster than mailing checks.

What if you filed a claim?

If you filed a valid claim, you should keep an eye on your email. The settlement admin will send you updates about your payment status.

Here’s a simple timeline of what’s been happening:

  1. People filed claims (before November 27, 2023)
  2. The admin checked all the claims
  3. They started sending payments (on September 28, 2023)
  4. They’re still processing and sending payments now

Important to know: Just because payments started doesn’t mean everyone got paid right away. There are a lot of claims to process. It takes time.


If you’re waiting for your payment, don’t worry. The process is ongoing. Just make sure to check your email regularly. That’s where you’ll get updates about your payment.

Capital One Bank Settlement Eligibility

Not everyone can get money from this settlement. There are rules about who’s eligible. Let’s break it down:

Who can get money?

To be eligible for the Capital One Bank Settlement, you need to meet these criteria:

  • You live in the U.S.: This settlement is for U.S. residents only.
  • Your info was stolen: Your details must have been accessed in the 2019 data breach.
  • You got a notice: You should have received a message telling you that you might be eligible.
  • You filed a claim: You had to submit a claim form by November 27, 2023.

Here’s a simple checklist to help you understand if you might be eligible:

Requirement Yes/No
I live in the U.S.
My info was part of the 2019 breach
I got a notice about the settlement
I filed a claim before Nov 27, 2023

If you can answer “Yes” to all of these, you might be eligible for a payment.

What if I’m not sure?

If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, here are some things to think about:

  • Did you apply for a Capital One credit card before 2019?
  • Did you get any emails or letters from Capital One about a data breach?
  • Did you file a claim form for this settlement last year?

If you answered yes to these questions, you might be eligible. But remember, the deadline to file a new claim has passed. This info is for people who already filed claims.

Why these rules? These rules help make sure the money goes to the people who were affected by the data breach. It’s a way to be fair to everyone involved.


Claim Process

Let’s talk about how people claimed their share of the settlement. Even though the deadline has passed, it’s good to understand the process. Here’s how it worked:

  1. Get Notified: Capital One sent notices to people who might be eligible.
  2. File a Claim: People had to fill out a claim form.
  3. Provide Info: They had to give details about how the breach affected them.
  4. Submit on Time: All claims had to be in by November 27, 2023.

What did people need to do?

Here’s a more detailed look at what people had to do to file a claim:

  • Check Eligibility: Make sure they were affected by the breach.
  • Gather Documents: Collect any papers showing how they lost money because of the breach.
  • Fill Out the Form: Complete the claim form with all required info.
  • Choose Payment Method: Pick how they want to get paid (like direct deposit or check).
  • Submit: Send in the form and any supporting documents.

Types of Claims

People could claim different types of losses:

Type of Loss What It Means
Out-of-pocket expenses Money spent because of the breach
Lost time Time spent dealing with the breach
Credit monitoring costs Money spent on credit protection

Important Points to Remember

  • The claim deadline was November 27, 2023.
  • People could claim up to $25,000 for out-of-pocket losses.
  • They needed to provide proof of their losses.
  • False claims were against the law.

What Happens After Filing?

After someone filed a claim:

  1. The settlement admin reviews the claim.
  2. They might ask for more information if needed.
  3. They decide if the claim is valid.
  4. If approved, they process the payment.

Even though new claims can’t be filed now, this process is still going on for claims that were filed on time.

Capital One Settlement Payment Date 2024

Many people want to know when they’ll get their money. Here’s what we know about the payment dates for 2024:

  • Payments started on September 28, 2023.
  • The process is ongoing through 2024.
  • There’s no single payment date for everyone.

Why isn’t there one payment date?

There are a few reasons:

  • There are lots of claims to process
  • Each claim needs to be checked
  • Some claims might need more info

What to expect in 2024:

If you filed a valid claim, here’s what you should know:

  • Keep checking your email
  • The settlement admin will send updates
  • Your payment could come any time

Payment Timeline:

Here’s a simple timeline to help you understand:

  1. September 28, 2023: First payments sent out
  2. Late 2023 – Early 2024: More payments processed
  3. Throughout 2024: Ongoing payment distribution

What if you haven’t been paid yet?

If you filed a claim but haven’t gotten paid:

  • Don’t panic. The process takes time.
  • Check your spam folder for emails.
  • Make sure the settlement admin has your current email.

Important to Remember:

  • Payments are sent by email.
  • You might get your payment any time in 2024.
  • There’s no need to contact anyone unless asked.

The settlement admin is working to get payments out as quickly as possible. But with millions of claims, it takes time. Just keep an eye on your email for updates.

Additional Information

There’s more to know about this settlement beyond just the payment details. Here’s some extra info that might be helpful:


What else does the settlement offer?

Besides money, the settlement provides:

  • Free credit monitoring
  • Identity theft protection services

These services help protect you from future problems.

Why is this settlement important?

This settlement matters for a few reasons:

  • It holds companies responsible for data breaches.
  • It helps people who lost money because of the breach.
  • It pushes for better data security in the future.

Long-term impacts:

The effects of this settlement go beyond just payments:

  • It sets a standard for how companies handle data breaches.
  • It shows the importance of protecting personal info.
  • It might make other companies improve their security.

What should you do now?

If you filed a claim:

  • Keep watching your email for updates.
  • Use the free credit monitoring if offered.
  • Stay alert for any unusual activity on your accounts.

If you didn’t file a claim but think you were affected:

  • Keep an eye on your credit reports.
  • Be careful about sharing personal info online.
  • Consider using credit monitoring services.

Learning from this:

This situation teaches us some important lessons:

  • Always be careful with your info.
  • Keep track of who has your data.
  • Act quickly if you hear about a data breach.

Remember, this settlement is part of a bigger picture. It’s about keeping our info safe in a digital world.



Here are some common questions people have about the Capital One Bank Settlement:

  • Q: How much money can I get from the settlement?

A: You can get up to $25,000 for out-of-pocket losses related to the data breach.

  • Q: When will I get my payment?

A: Payments started on September 28, 2023, and are ongoing. Keep checking your email for updates.

  • Q: What if I missed the claim deadline?

A: Unfortunately, if you didn’t file a claim by November 27, 2023, you can’t get a payment now.

  • Q: How will I receive my payment?

A: Payments are being sent digitally via email.

  • Q: What if I haven’t received my payment yet?

A: Don’t worry. The process takes time. Keep checking your email, including your spam folder.

  • Q: Can I still sign up for credit monitoring?

A: If you filed a valid claim, you should have info about free credit monitoring. Check your settlement emails.

  • Q: What should I do to protect myself in the future?

A: Keep an eye on your credit reports, use strong passwords, and be careful about sharing personal info online.

  • Q: How do I know if my info was part of the breach?

A: Capital One sent notices to affected people. If you’re unsure, you can contact the settlement administrator.

  • Q: What if I have more questions?

A: You can usually find more info on the official settlement website or by contacting the settlement administrator.

  • Q: Is this settlement only for Capital One customers?

A: No, it’s for anyone whose info was accessed in the 2019 breach, even if they just applied for a card.

Also Read:



The Capital One Bank Settlement of 2024 is a big deal for many people. It’s trying to make things right after a big data breach.

Here’s what to remember:

  • The settlement is worth $190 million.
  • It helps people who lost money because of the 2019 data breach.
  • Payments started in late 2023 and are still going on in 2024.
  • Eligible people can get up to $25,000, plus free credit monitoring.

If you filed a claim, keep checking your email. Your payment could come at any time. If you didn’t file a claim, use this as a reminder to be careful with your info.

This settlement shows that companies need to be careful with our data. It also shows that we all need to be smart about protecting our personal information.


Remember, staying safe online is an ongoing job. Keep an eye on your accounts, use strong passwords, and be careful about what info you share.

The Capital One settlement is more than just money. It’s about making the digital world safer for everyone.

As we move forward, let’s all take steps to protect our personal information and stay alert to potential risks.

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